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[May autographs for fans xoxo 五月份送你簽名相 ?] Step 1: Share my site http://www.ju-ju.hk Step 2: Leave me a comment here after visiting my site and tell me which of my film roles is your favorite and what do you want to see me playing in the future. Step 3: I will announce the top 10 comments on May 30, and will mail you the autographs 步驟一:轉發我的網頁http://www.ju-ju.hk 步驟二:到訪我的網頁後,留言告訴我那一個我出演過的電影角色是你最喜歡的和有什麼角色你會希望我演繹。 步驟三:我會於五月三十日公佈寫得最好的十位,然後寄出簽名照給得獎者?

8 年多 前 360 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Clothing by Gourami https://t.co/MtywyDuzQ1 Coaching the top 4 fighters in the G-1 Force MMA Championship on ViuTV. https://t.co/4Nj2pfP64v

8 年多 前 9 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Clothing by @gouramihk ViuTV ,《G-1 格鬥會》第10集重溫: http://viu.tv/encore/g-1-fight-club#g1-fight-clube10hazel-vs-vangie 播出了我與最後四強分享打拳心得和跆拳道訓練。 Coaching the top 4 fighters in the G-1 Force MMA Championship on ViuTV.

viutv #G1格鬥會 #jujuchan #jujupower #ITF #Taekwondo

香港剛勁跆拳道會 Hong Kong Taekwon-Do Powerful Club #唐紫睿 #鄧穎芝 #gourami

8 年多 前 349 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

脫毛效果間間一樣,點比較先岩? 無論用任何方法脫毛,去邊間脫毛中心,頭一兩年效果都一樣---無晒毛毛!但要永久無毛毛,就要識揀! 我揀MediLASE 全球No.1 激光永久脫毛科技,佢地既PRO-U ™ LASER TECHNOLOGY 配備全港最大24mm 機頭,醫學證實,更有效讓能量深入毛囊,咁就輕鬆同毛毛say bye 啦!仲有全港獨有PRO-Test 激光反應測試,脫毛前做足準備就安全又放心啦!

即click http://goo.gl/f6xTcC 做個PRO-Test 啦!

iam200k #20萬正評#changeforthebest #無痛脫毛 #medilase

8 年多 前 362 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

寶芝林, The Return of Wong Fei Hung

8 年多 前 363 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

吊威也中!現代版湘西無影鏢嚟啦!Hong Kong action film wire work! Always so fun flying and fighting!!! Here comes Silver Dart Shi in present time!

8 年多 前 370 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

電影煞科了!昨日特技化妝和電影拍攝二十三小時,現在回家立刻要沖涼、敷面膜 (二十多個小時的特技化妝膠水令我成面又痕又紅又出瘡了?)、然後大覺瞓!Non stop filming on set for 23.5 hours. It's a wrap! I am going to take a hot bath, do facial mask (coz my skin is red,itchy, and allergic to the special makeup glue??, then I will jump straight into my bed!!!

8 年多 前 42 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Special effects makeup in progress...I am Not playing a monk! Hint: I am shooting a horror film https://t.co/yaNhCGBoaP

8 年多 前 9 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

今日繼續化特技妝,通宵拍攝!Special effects makeup in progress...Today overnight shooting!!! I am Not playing a monk! Hint: I am shooting a horror film???? #specialeffects #filmset #港產片

8 年多 前 59 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Love these stools! Deciding whether to bring them home??Happy Sunday! Headed to the Art Fair this morning before shooting in the afternoon. Call time on set today at 2pm. 忙碌星期天!早上去會展,下午出外景繼續電影拍攝!

8 年多 前 59 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks


Hong Kong
November 2, 2008