I usually can't sleep at night, lying in bed for hours while my mind keeps going and doesn't stop. Does anyone else have this problem? The only way I can really fall asleep is to stay awake until I'm totally exhausted, be jetlagged, or intoxicated in one form or another. When I do Illustration gigs on a tight deadline, I don't really sleep at all. Working at night is the best because there's no one to bother you, and you're not obligated to do anything else. Anyone who knows me knows I'm skinny, and as energy never disappears but only changes form, I think it's due to this mind wandering that occurs. My hands sweat when I think.
Am I talking alot of BS?
I can't explain my thought process of how I got from this porcelain statue to a photograph of a road cone. But it happened. 2. Cartoon PORN. That's right. I drew this in my brothers moleskin. I couldn't tell if he was pissed off or if he thought it was funny. Did you know that the majority of Japanese anime porn is drawn by women? Seriously. Wait, maybe not. Not sure how I know this, I'd look it up but I don't want any hentai porn bugs on my computer.
The comic culture in the US is percieved as low culture, but not so much (if at all) in Asia and Europe. I like to read books too, but I need something visual to tickle my interests. I enjoyed Physics in school because the theories discussed were mind blowing, but I think the reason I sucked at it was because what I pictured in my head was abstract and couldn't be translated into something I understood.
Alot of people in HK still ask me what it is I do exactly.
"Okay, so you draw.... but I still don't get it".
I don't really either. But maybe I'll be in a better state to explain it another day. This entry isn't going to make any sense to me the next time I read it.
My mind really does wander alot.
My full illustration portfolio is available to view at: www.jonathanjaylee.com