Escape,Hyundai,a lot of EDGEs( from Ford),Camry,Buick,Fit,Greyhound Bus........many more
Pass right by my car of which I'd set my cruise control to 107 on a 100km hi way)during my 4 hrs drive back and forth Toronto-London(not UK) .
107km/hr not too fast but not slow....way within not being ticketed -that 10% golden rule.
I used to be one of the above car....never set on my cruise control...
sometimes fast soemtimes slow....mostly fast....
onetime, my mind was thinking of something else....i was stoped by a patrolling police car,
obviously i was tciketed....4pts , $230 , i was driving 137km/hr on a 90km hi way,
3 km shy of being impounded and suspension for a month.
First of all i 'd like to declare i wasnt driving under 'DUI',
this is a hot term DUI for hollywood celebreties, Britney Spears....Nick Nolty....etc
DUI= Drving under infleunce. I wasnt Hollywood celebreties n i wasnt DUI neither.
Liked I mind was carried away....just like that.
So after the incident,
I had no other choice but set my cruise control/....yea I know...
my problem I'd like to think while driving....
Only this time when I was on the same hi way which i was ticketed...
I were passing by me so so fast,,,,one after another...
107 not so fast, well but not so slow either....above the legal limit.
why would people still taking that risk of driving over that limit???
Why in a rush to his point B??? Does that 10-15min make hugh difference....
I assum some are.....but liked myself....I sort of like to rush back nothing...
why not killing that time on hi way....?
If we get caught, then comes a spiral of excuses made up for police try to get out of that
situation and if we did, we repeated promise oursleves that's our last time....
but if the Police dont buy that....we then have to hire some kind of semi professional
to our obviously commited crime to get us off the hook...(Ticket fighter we called them here)
Paying someone to lie oursleves out of the stituation so our safety standing will not be
affected so our insurance preimuim would be the same....$$$$ saving....
By setting cruise control...for's less impressive ....cos there arent any racing 'element
involved..........everything is fixed......but it eliminates.....being risk to lie....
the risk to lie pay others to lie for us so we would be legally still good citizen.
the risk of endanger others less skilled drivers....
this is what I was thinking when those
Cadillac, dodge caravan,civic Si's..........flashing by me...
it was raining....some carried kids and babies........125km at least on a 100km road.
why? I dont have an answer myself...
a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m