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joelatay wowtv
Producer , MC / Show Host , Singer
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right away

Surpressing my super hunger from a hard day's of work,

Without signing in my msn,

without turuning on my TV watching CNN( I know...very boring to some but my favourite),

After my haircut, just the cut....I hate the pre and post procedure (menaing the long wait)

I asked my friend stylist...just the cut plz...it;s late,...I can always wash my hair when I go home.

He let me,..that's a true friend. (Just a few other patrons wondering..how could this jerk skip all the steps)....I even skip the dye part....just a nice cut.

On my way home....my mind is to come here....yeah here.....the blog....

I'd always wanted to write the blog....but tireness and exhaustion takes over my will and want

almost everyday since I joined....

ONLY dropping my slight damped jeans and put on a PJ pant....I started to write...

While waiting for my computer to have all the porgrams loaded....lucky it's an XP not Vista,

but still there's a bit of wait...i m still very hungry....but I need to eat something to take that

desire away afraid that...if I dont...I may end up cooking and not wiriting...

I looked, Haaa....some left over baby tomatoes left from a few days ago...

I lived alone....everything stays the same when U left them somewhere....

and U pick them up from there....so I had a few tomatoes.....Hmmm....

I love writing....2 things that brought me PURE joy....

writing....and movie watching....hmm..actually there's a no.3 thing....

seeing people realising one's potential...not in doubt of himself....and not defined by others

but rather what knowing concretely what he's made up of....very certain...

then he /she , his fear will shy away. It's good to be fearless.

I love to write...cos it's a blessing to able to express....Love that....

especially I can express as true as possible...not bcos...I can impress someone...

bcos I could share with no pre condition....Blogging is a super good way...

especially I know some of my good friends would oneday find me here...

and know how i m and what I m like now.....

Watching movie....all by myself ..sonce 3,4 yrs ago,....

that's what I tired asked my best friend to go with me oneday....

I said I'll pay then.....'Nah...not my type...'

Then I realise....even your best friend is a seprarte individual of whom U cant demand

total synchronization of myself...unless...I wanted a  'Clone; me

So I started go to movies all by myself....

In movies...all things seems possible...

all ordinary thiings and people become extra ordinary...Vice Versa...

that gives me chill why...cos that's gives me HOPE.......

and also they also caution me to treasure things...know that I m so blessed.

And as a human being....I was given 6 senses....

all senses were turned on....I could laugh/cry/amazed/bored/ even sleep.....

how amazing is that!! I m in touch with these so take it for granted senses.

U knwo what....I was so hungry just minutes ago....

now not so miuch....that reminds me some bible verses that I heard of somewhere..

'Man dont live on Bread alone...'

This is Y it's all worth it...

it's funny that how we always wanted to do something we love...

but at the end....we were so exhausted....not from what we love to do....

I knwo we should have had...but that's not the case...

if we let that go on without go back to our basic instinct...to me it's to share my feelings...

or I should realsising the more improatnrt things in life....

Over my hunger


Food(steamed dumpling) afterwards...hmmm yummy.....singles always find 'hot food' yummy

that's the sad part....

Now I know I m happy....cos I did what I most wanted to do for quite sometime and I

finally chose to do it.

So, it's about Choice.

I m wearing a little smile above my right lip( like Elvis Presley while he was singing some

sweet songs) of cos not implying I m anywhere close to look like this super star.

but I m smiling like that.....it's from inside.

in fact...a very good night.

OK!!!! I go eat now.....dumbling it is and CN larry King he's 175 yrs old...

Just kidding he's 75 and Ted CNN boss always Time Warner Boss....70

Take care



about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Toronto, Canada
Member Since
November 15, 2008