Official Artist
Joanna Yang
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Jo plays jazz- Red Blouse

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QbEBmtw5wI hi, learnt a new song thru a youtube video :p so tried to play by ear...here's the attempt, without improvisation.

Below is the link which i heard the song again. 1st time i heard was thru the CD i bought, The very best of Lisa Ono, but i lost it :( luckily my fiance's sister have a copy hehe. But this time the video which sparked my interest to learn the song is this link


This song is so holiday mood...love it. Imagine the beautiful beaches, countries, breezes, nature etc etc...

about 17 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Photo 84761
over 16 years ago
Photo 84761
nova? velha.
over 16 years ago
Photo 84761
but skillage nonetheless.
over 16 years ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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April 12, 2007