Official Artist
Jin Au-Yeung
Actor , MC / Show Host , Rapper , Comedian
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Sign the #Furious8BringBackJimmy petition here: http://bit.ly/Furious8BringBackJimmy. From the original The Fast & The Furious (can you believe 14 years ago!?) to the most recent Furious 7, many of us across the globe have not only grown up on the stories and characters of the films, but we've practically injected ourselves into the Furious universe. Watching these characters bond with each other on the big screen, we almost feel like we're part of the crew. I was lucky, in fact, I was blessed enough to have experienced a tiny fraction of that camaraderie at one point. Unfortunately, Jimmy never got to cross paths with Dom. Releasing this project to the world today only makes sense! Regardless if we ever do cross paths or not, Happy Birthday to you Vin Diesel and may your life continue to be filled with lots of love, peace and joy.

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April 19, 2007