Maybe it's true that everything does come full circle. 14 years ago when I moved from Miami to NY, I hit the ground running. Literally, roaming the concrete streets of the Big Apple, freestyling, battling and to cover at least the bare necessities (subway fare / 9 piece mc nugget meal), selling my little CD-R burned mixtapes to random passerbys. The goal ultimately was to "make it" with the music. And it happened. Twists and turns but in the end, it was a journey I will cherish until my last breaths are taken. Here I am today, back on the same grind.. same hunger.. same determination.. same ambition.. same passion.. but a new platform. Doing stand up comedy. People ask, "why comedy?". On a selfish note, comedy challenges and allows me to explore and dig into personal spaces that I might not otherwise do so. In doing so, it's liberating and therapeutic. As well, there's nothing like connecting with an audience on a human level, bringing joy and laughter to the world that desperately needs it in these times. NYC, hope to see you tomorrow night.