about 8 months ago i started exploring the world of stand up comedy in NYC, hitting up open mics and showcases whenever opportunity presented itself. 6 minutes here, 10 minutes there. it was quite an eye opening experience to say the least. learning not just about the craft and technique that goes into the beautiful art form known as stand up comedy, i also learned about the ecosystem of the world and how things work behind the scenes, when the jokes are done and the stage lights go off. of course, it is a constant and never ending learning process. i am excited to share that going into 2016, i will be fully committing to chasing my comedy dream.
and right now, that's exactly what it is - a dream. for what it's worth, The Wife supports the dream (to a certain extent; bills still have to get paid!). at least i didn't have to do what i initially contemplated doing, which was telling her that i was "hitting up the gym" everytime i was out for one of my comedy adventures. i'm sure her suspicion would have kicked into gear eventually and i was coming home the same size after 4-5 days of "the gym" per week. as for my 3 year old, he doesn't think anyone should come to my comedy shows. i do appreciate his straightforwardness. we'll see who gets the last laugh when the dough starts rolling in and he's begging daddy for the new ninja turtles sewer play set. one tangible goal i set for myself before 2015 was over was to put together a 45 minute set, find a nice intimate venue, perform and film it, ultimately to share with The World aka You. amongst many other things, it's my thoughts. it's my efforts. it's my ambitions. it's my dream. and i present to you, "Asian Famous". link to watch in my bio.