Now that filming is completed on DER CHINESE MANN aka THE MAN FROM BEIJING by Henning Mankell (International Best Seller Thriller)...Jimmy T as Qui Ya RuSingapore's Amy Cheng as Qui Hong##2 days until the YOU TH OLYMPIC GAM ES begin!
*Dakar, Senegal, representing the continent of Africa *Mexico City, Mexico, representing the continent of Americas *Auckland, New Zealand, representing the continent of Oceania *Seoul, Republic of Korea, representing the continent of AsiaThe most exciting part for me especially is the WRESTLING Competition on the 15th (Greco-Roman), 16th (Jr. Women's Freestyle)& 1 7th (Jr. Men's Freestyle) at the Suntec International Convention Center.Dating back: the Youth Olympic Games WRESTLING Mat "A" at the Suntec ICCTEAM SINGAPORE WRESTLING - Youth Olympic Games 2010###KESTER LEUNG CHUN YUE Jr. Men's Freestyle Wrestling ###NATASHA ERNA PUTERI Jr. Women's Freestyle Wrestling ALL THE BEST FROM THEWRESTLING FEDERATION OF SINGAPORE#3156 Relaying the Torch into Hougang Stadium JYOF Team PhotoTEAM SINGAPORE BASKETBALL CAPTAINS###LOW WENQIANG RUSSEL & HANNAH NG JIA HUIGO FOR THE GOLD
-Upcoming 2014: "Grace" HBO Asia & "Banting" feature film -A young Muslim girl coming from a strict family household decide to make a ca