This is Alfred Hsing Jet Li's assistant - We just came back from Handan where we paid our respects to the founder of Yang style Tai Chi. The descendants of Yang Lu Chan were very happy to see Jet's sincere interest and respect for Tai Chi. It was great to hear everyone sharing their thoughts and stories relating to Tai Chi and the philosophy behind it. | 我是李連杰的助手﹐邢思杰(Alfred Hsing) - 我們剛從邯鄲拜祭楊氏太极拳創始人的基回來。看到李連杰對太极拳的真誠和尊敬﹐楊露禪的后人也表示很高興。聽著大家分享關於太极拳的故事﹐感想和哲學﹐真是好极了。
|我是李连杰的助手﹐邢思杰(Alfred Hsing) - 我们刚从邯郸拜祭杨氏太极拳创始人的基回来。看到李连杰对太极拳的真诚和尊敬﹐杨露禅的后人也表示很高兴。听着大家分享关于太极拳的故事﹐感想和哲学﹐真是好极了。
|This is Alfred Hsing Jet Li's assistant - We just came back from Handan where we paid our respects to the founder of Yang style Tai Chi. The descendants of Yang Lu Chan were very happy to see Jet's sincere interest and respect for Tai Chi. It was great to hear everyone sharing their thoughts and stories relating to Tai Chi and the philosophy behind it.