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September 22, 2007: "One Yuan" Music Video | 2007年9月22日: 一塊錢MV | 2007年9月22日: 一块钱MV

I just watched Andy Lau's music video for the song "One Yuan", which he made for the One-Foundation Project.  I first heard this song at the Foundation's commencment on April 19.  It was my intention to shoot the music video with Andy, but unfortunately I was on the set of "The Forbidden Kingdom" while he was working on it.  So instead, Andy had a great idea to make me into a cartoon-like image so that we could appear in the music video together.

Actually, Andy wrote the song for me to sing, but I really don't have a good voice.  I would be willing to sing this song if I was able.  Physical movements for filming I can quickly remember, but recalling lyrics and catching the right rhythm is very difficult for me.  Many thanks to Andy for writing and singing the song, as well as shooting the video all by himself.  It's really a pity that I couldn't join in the music video this time, but I'm sure he will forgive me.  Hopefully I will have another chance to work with Andy on a music video in the future.

And with Andy Lau's influence in the music industry, hopefully this song can help people learn about and support the One Foundation Project.  The One Foundation is about global participation.  Andy gave me a hard time for not singing his song, but I'm sure he knows this was for the best.  I'm sure you can understand Andy!


剛剛看完劉德華為壹基金做的歌 -- " 一塊錢"的MV。這首歌在4/19壹基金啟動時就聽過了。 MV本來希望能和華哥一起拍,但因為在橫店拍功夫之王, 沒能親自去。 華哥就想了個方法, 用卡通動畫的方式, 讓我們一起在MV中出現。

本來這首歌要做給我唱的, 但我真的不會唱。 如果我會唱我一定唱! 我記動作很快, 但歌詞我聽很多遍都記不住, 也抓不到節奏。真不好意思,還要華哥自己作詞, 演唱, 拍MV一手包辦, 很感謝! 這次很遺憾沒能親自去拍, 我相信他會原諒我的,希望將來有機會能親自參與他的MV。

其實最主要是希望通過華哥在樂壇的影響力, 帶動更多人了解和支持壹基金, 畢竟這是咱們的壹基金. 我知道你能理解的,華哥!

刚刚看完刘德华为壹基金做的歌 -- " 一块钱"的MV。这首歌在4/19壹基金启动时就听过了。 MV本来希望能和华哥一起拍,但因为在横店拍功夫之王, 没能亲自去。 华哥就想了个方法, 用卡通动画的方式, 让我们一起在MV中出现。

本 来这首歌要做给我唱的, 但我真的不会唱。 如果我会唱我一定唱! 我记动作很快, 但歌词我听很多遍都记不住, 也抓不到节奏。 真不好意思,还要华哥自己作词, 演唱, 拍MV一手包办, 很感谢! 这次很遗憾没能亲自去拍, 我相信他会原谅我的,希望将来有机会能亲自参与他的MV。

其实最主要是希望通过华哥在乐坛的影响力, 带动更多人了解和支持壹基金, 毕竟这是咱们的壹基金. 我知道你能理解的,华哥!

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andy is the man!
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Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007