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October 12, 2007: One Foundation International Cooperation | 2007年10月12日: 壹基金的跨國合作 | 2007年10月12日: 壹基金的跨国合作

On September 25th, the One Foundation and the "To be Number One" Foundation developed by Thailand's Princess Ubol Ratana Ratchakaya Siriwattana Pannawadi, officially became international partners to work together in China and Thailand on charitable causes.  Those interested friends can find more information here:  

Hand to hand in Thailand "To Be Number One" Foundation.

On September 26th, I arrived in New York to attend the annual Clinton Global Initiative conference.  This is an event sponsored by President Bill Clinton to discuss global education, poverty relief, environmental protection and health issues.  I'm extremely happy that such a young organization like the One Foundation was invited to participate in discussions aimed to benefit the entire world.  There were 1,500 participants in this conference, including many Fortune 500 companies, world-renowned charities and heads of states.

During my childhood, I traveled to over 40 countries in the name of martial arts; as an adult I traveled the world again through my work in movies; I often joked that the remainder of my life will be spent travelling the world to promote Chinese charitable ideals.  My sincere gratitude to President Clinton for this great learning opportunity.

On September 26 at 4:30 p.m., I arrived at the hotel in New York and listened to the first plenary session at 5 p.m.  First, President Clinton introduced the topic of global education development.  After that the Chinese foreign minister discussed China's national educational policy.  Then Afghanistan minister of education, His Excellency Mohammed Haneef Atmar, the founder of The Valentino Achak Deng Foundation , and movie star and philanthropist Angelina Jolie each expressed their opinions on the subject of education.

His Excellency Mohammed Haneef Atmar mentioned their postwar reconstruction efforts in their education system.  The schools often receive frequent terrorist attacks; under such difficulties it's most difficult to give the children proper educational opportunity.  Many female teachers have sacrificed their lives to promote education. I am deeply moved by this.  There are many children from poor areas in China that lack educational resources, but in comparison to the chaos caused by the war in Middle East and Africa, we're very lucky.

Actually, education is extremely important; I did not have the opportunity during my childhood to receive a standard education, and I did not receive even receive an elementary school diploma.  But I dare not to ever forget to study and learn.   At the CGI meeting, I learned that everyone was in attendance with the attitude of a student -- to learn from one another, to discuss the development of global solutions and share their concern for global human issues.  Although, this is only the third year for the annual meeting, it's great to see that so many people are willing to take individual responsibility and duty to discuss how to help humanity as a whole, as one big family.  This family concept is what the One Foundation is based on: living on this planet, we are one big family.

In the past, I didn't have the opportunity to participate in activities outside the world of martial arts and movies, and my English proficiency is also limited.  So I truly treasure this chance to study with such world renowned enterprises and charities.



9月25號在北京參加了一個活動,就是壹基金和泰國公主的"To be Number One Foundation"產生了跨國的合作關系,將來在大陸 和泰國的慈善事業上共同努力,互相幫助。有興趣的朋友可以看:

"攜手泰國"To Be Number One基金"

26 號就趕到紐約參加柯林頓基金會的年度研討大會。這是由美國前總統柯林頓主辦,探討全球的教育,貧困,環保和健康等議題的年會。非常高興壹基金作為一個最年輕的基金,能受邀參與探討如何幫助整個地球。參加的與會代表有1500人,其中包括全球五百強企業,慈善組織,基金等。


26 號下午四點半,我趕到紐約的酒店,五點就聽了第一堂教育研討會。首先柯林頓總統介紹了全球教育的發展,中國的外交部長也談了中國的國策。接下來有阿富汗的教育部長,非洲一個基金會的創辦人Valentino Achak Deng,和影星Angelina Jolie都分別對教育發表意見。



我過去沒有機會參加過武術和電影以外的研討活動,我的英語水平也有限, 很珍惜這次的機會,能向全球傑出的企業和慈善團體學習。


9月25号在北京参加了一个活动,就是壹基金和泰国公主的"To be Number One Foundation"产生了跨国的合作关系,将来在大陆 和泰国的慈善事业上共同努力,互相帮助。有兴趣的朋友可以看:

"携手泰国"To Be Number One基金"

26 号就赶到纽约参加柯林顿基金会的年度研讨大会。这是由美国前总统柯林顿主办,探讨全球的教育,贫困,环保和健康等议题 的年会。非常高兴壹基金作为一个最年轻的基金,能受邀参与探讨如何帮助整个地球。参加的与会代表有1500人,其中包括全球五百强企业,慈善组织,基金 等。


26 号下午四点半,我赶到纽约的酒店,五点就听了第一堂教育研讨会。首先柯林顿总统介绍了全球教育的发展,中国的外交部长也谈了中国的国策。接下来有阿富汗的 教育部长,非洲一个基金会的创办人Valentino Achak Deng,和影星Angelina Jolie都分别对教育发表意见。

阿 富汗教育部长提到,阿富汗战后重建时的教育问题,由于学校常受到恐怖活动的袭击,在如此艰难的环境下,很难给予儿童教育的机会。很多女教师为了普及教育而 牺牲性命。我很受感动。在中国也有很多贫困地区儿童缺乏教育资源,但是比起中东非洲等战乱国家,我们还是很幸运的。其实教育非常重要,我个人小时候也没机 会受正规教育,连小学文凭也没有,但我没有敢忘掉学习。

这次的CGI年会,我发现大家都是抱着学生的心态来彼此学习。与会的1500多位 代表,分成不同的讨论组,共同关心人类的问题。虽然这个年会才成立第三年,但起码是人类愿意负起各自的责任和义务,探讨如何帮助人类这个大家庭,这个家就 是我壹基金提到的理念:生活在这个地球上,我们就是一家人。

我过去没有机会参加过武术和电影以外的研讨活动,我的英语水平也有限, 很珍惜这次的机会,能向全球杰出的企业和慈善团体学习。

16 年多 前 0 赞s  45 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow that is awesome! i am glad that One Foundation is already able to work on the highest levels of world organizations. you are making a difference in the world for a lot of people. does Clinton like Jet Li movies?
16 年多 ago



Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007