踏过壮丽 祖国山河
看过人间 悲喜欢乐
我的一生 在这度过
我的身心 种在祖国
因为爱 自己苛责
同胞的事 做的不多
为什么 还不快做
如果人人 那出点爱
让中国人 都好起来
不再有 伤心泪水
多的是 友情安慰
要珍惜 美丽山河 我们都在这里生活
让日子 更加好过 把幸福献给祖国
The last two days of filming have been particularly arduous. In the evenings the temperature drops to minus 10º or 15ºC. We are currently filming battle sequences in the HeBei Province near Yi Xian. A battle sequence takes thousands of people to complete. I've made many wushu and action films. This film aims for a breakthrough -- to integrate movement and action into a battlescene -- to show the misery of war. Simultaneously I am battling with the weather together with the action director and the director. When you try something new, there are two possibilities ... no, three: Success, failure, or so-so. Personally I like to choose and try and aim for a breakthrough, no matter the consequence.
Here are the last few lines of the song:
(No English Translation)