昨天开始下雪了,今天在屋外还是看不到东西,这两天都拍不了戏。大自然就是这样,你永远不知道明天会发生什么。我要在这里祝大家新年快乐! 还要跟你们分享壹基金主题曲的后面两段歌 词:
踏过壮丽 祖国山河
看过人间 悲喜欢乐
我的一生 在这度过
我的身心 种在祖国
Happy New Year ! It's snowing in Beijing
It started to snow yesterday in Beijing. We can't see anything outside. So these two days we have had to stop film production. That's nature for you, you can never know what it will bring. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Here are the next two lines of the One Foundation Project theme song:
(No English Translation)