Its been a while since I've been in touch with everyone via my blog.
I said that this year I won't film any movies, that I would focus 100% on my charity work. Therefore up to now, except for celebrating lunar new years with my family, as well as last month's 'Forbidden Kingdom' promotional events, I have been spending all my time on the One Foundation - learning more about non-profit social organizations and promotion. In the first four months of this year, I've flown on 30 different flights, flying all around the world for the One Foundation. I've had no time to prepare a blog. I have many good experiences with everyone over the last four months to share.
I want to wholeheartedly thank everyone for the birthday wishes, and for the Hong Kong Film Award. And most importantly: the continued success of the One Foundation. I want to wish everyone a happy May 1st holiday break, everyone be safe in their travels!
我 說過今年將不拍電影,全心投入慈善。所以到目前為止,除了過年期間和家人渡假;以及上個月宣傳功夫之王之外,其餘時間全投入了壹基金公益事業的學習與推 廣。在過去四個月內坐了30次飛機,為了壹基金穿梭於世界各地,沒時間更新博客內容。接下來就分多次和大家分享過去四個月的點點滴滴。
对于留言板上众多的生日祝福,金像奖影帝祝贺,及对壹基金计画的支持与建议,我无法一一言谢。 我只能将大家对我的支持,转化为实际行动,将壹基金计画发展到最好。
我 说过今年将不拍电影,全心投入慈善。所以到目前为止,除了过年期间和家人渡假;以及上个月宣传功夫之王之外,其余时间全投入了壹基金公益事业的学习与推 广。在过去四个月内坐了30次飞机,为了壹基金穿梭于世界各地,没时间更新博客内容。接下来就分多次和大家分享过去四个月的点点滴滴。