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Jet Li
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100¥ and A Sick Bag: A China Eastern Airlines Story|100元和一個嘔吐袋: 中國東方航空的故事|100元和一个呕吐袋: 中国东方航空的故事

Due to the constant traveling to all sorts of places on account of work, flying has become an inseparable and necessary part of my life. And because of the density of my schedule, it's the time ...I spend in airplanes that I use to catch up on rest and sleep.

On the evening of September 12 I boarded flight MU5447 flying from Qingdao to Chengdu to appear at the FRD Chengdu Charity Race the next day. As you know, I've been busy here in Qingdao filming my film "Ocean Heaven" (海洋天堂) and I've been so worn out that I slept the entire way.

At 8:40pm, as the plane was on its descent towards Chengdu, one of the air stewards came to where I was sitting with one of those air sick paperbags and handed it to me. As I wasn't completely awake yet, I wasn't sure what he was doing. Then he said, "Mr. Li, I've witnessed the work that the One Foundation has done for the disaster area and community. I myself have also wanted very much to give back, and today I have the luck to be able to bump into you. For lack of a better envelope, I've put 100¥ into this sick bag to give to the One Foundation to continue to help the children in Sichuan."

I was stunned and quickly thanked him. I looked at the envelope, on it it said: "Mr. Li, I hope to be able to give the kids this ¥100 through you, to allow me the opportunity to do my part in helping even if it's just a tiny bit. Sincerely, A Steward on China Eastern."

I hurriedly asked him for his name and address, so that our staff could properly send him a receipt for his donation. He refused. “You don't need to send me a receipt. I believe that you believe in the One Foundation."

So let me take this moment to say, thank you to the Steward on China Eastern and all those out there who believe in the One Foundation. This spirit of giving just a little bit of your heart makes us keep wanting to do what we do.

On the way back to Qingdao, another air steward attempted to donate to the One Foundation again. This time, however, I really couldn't take the money. I said, "Instead of donating through me, you can just do it through all the different kinds of platforms we have set up for giving."

Please take a look here:

English: www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htm Chinese: www.onefoundation.cn/html/cn/beneficence_01.htm |由於工作需要我經常 前往很多不同的地方﹐飛行已經成為我生活裡﹐一個不可分割和必要的一部份。而且﹐因為行程排得很緊密﹐所以。。。我會利用坐飛機的時間﹐好好休息和睡覺。9 月21 日的晚上﹐我登上從青島往成都的MU5447 航班﹐準備出席明天的方程式賽車發展有限公司慈善明星賽。如大家所知﹐最近我在青島忙著拍攝“海洋天堂”﹐非常累﹐所以飛機上我都一直在睡覺。

晚上8:40PM 左右﹐飛機開始降落到成都時﹐有一位空中乘務員﹐拿著一個嘔吐袋﹐走到我坐的位前﹐然後遞了這個袋給我。當時我還未完全醒來﹐所以不太清楚他在做什麼。然後他說﹐“李先生﹐我親眼目證到﹐壹基金為災民和社區所做的一切。我自己一直都很想回饋社會﹐今天有幸遇見你。我沒有更好的信封﹐所以放了100 元入這個嘔吐袋﹐希望可以交給壹基金﹐繼續幫助四川的小朋友。”

我當時感到很愕然﹐也迅速地謝了他。我看看信封﹐上面寫了: “李先生﹐希望通過你﹐可以代我交這100 元給小朋友們﹐雖然很微小﹐但希望可以給我這個機會做小小事。謹上﹐中國東方航空公司的一位空中乘務員。”


我相利用這個機會﹐對這位空中乘務員說謝謝﹐還有謝謝所有相信壹基金的人。你們這種捐獻小小心議的精神, 正是推動我們繼續做我們現在所做的事情。



English: www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htm Chinese: www.onefoundation.cn/html/cn/beneficence_01.htm |由于工作需要我经常 前往很多不同的地方﹐飞行已经成为我生活裡﹐一个不可分割和必要的一部份。而且﹐因为行程排得很紧密﹐所以。。。我会利用坐飞机的时间﹐好好休息和睡觉。9 月21 日的晚上﹐我登上从青岛往成都的MU5447 航班﹐准备出席明天的方程式赛车发展有限公司慈善明星赛。如大家所知﹐最近我在青岛忙着拍摄“海洋天堂”﹐非常累﹐所以飞机上我都一直在睡觉。

晚上8:40PM 左右﹐飞机开始降落到成都时﹐有一位空中乘务员﹐拿着一个呕吐袋﹐走到我坐的位前﹐然后递了这个袋给我。当时我还未完全醒来﹐所以不太清楚他在做什麽。然后他说﹐“李先生﹐我亲眼目证到﹐壹基金为灾民和社区所做的一切。我自己一直都很想回馈社会﹐今天有幸遇见你。我没有更好的信封﹐所以放了100 元入这个呕吐袋﹐希望可以交给壹基金﹐继续帮助四川的小朋友。”

我当时感到很愕然﹐也迅速地谢了他。我看看信封﹐上面写了: “李先生﹐希望通过你﹐可以代我交这100 元给小朋友们﹐虽然很微小﹐但希望可以给我这个机会做小小事。谨上﹐中国东方航空公司的一位空中乘务员。”


我相利用这个机会﹐对这位空中乘务员说谢谢﹐还有谢谢所有相信壹基金的人。你们这种捐献小小心议的精神, 正是推动我们继续做我们现在所做的事情。



English: www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htm Chinese: www.onefoundation.cn/html/cn/beneficence_01.htm|


to the constant traveling to all sorts of places on account of work, flying has become an inseparable and necessary part of my life. And because of the density of my schedule, it's the time ...I spend in airplanes that I use to catch up on rest and sleep.

On the evening of September 12 I boarded flight MU5447 flying from Qingdao to Chengdu to appear at the FRD Chengdu Charity Race the next day. As you know, I've been busy here in Qingdao filming my film "Ocean Heaven" (海洋天堂) and I've been so worn out that I slept the entire way.

At 8:40pm, as the plane was on its descent towards Chengdu, one of the air stewards came to where I was sitting with one of those air sick paperbags and handed it to me. As I wasn't completely awake yet, I wasn't sure what he was doing. Then he said, "Mr. Li, I've witnessed the work that the One Foundation has done for the disaster area and community. I myself have also wanted very much to give back, and today I have the luck to be able to bump into you. For lack of a better envelope, I've put 100¥ into this sick bag to give to the One Foundation to continue to help the children in Sichuan."

I was stunned and quickly thanked him. I looked at the envelope, on it it said: "Mr. Li, I hope to be able to give the kids this ¥100 through you, to allow me the opportunity to do my part in helping even if it's just a tiny bit. Sincerely, A Steward on China Eastern."

I hurriedly asked him for his name and address, so that our staff could properly send him a receipt for his donation. He refused. “You don't need to send me a receipt. I believe that you believe in the One Foundation."

So let me take this moment to say, thank you to the Steward on China Eastern and all those out there who believe in the One Foundation. This spirit of giving just a little bit of your heart makes us keep wanting to do what we do.

On the way back to Qingdao, another air steward attempted to donate to the One Foundation again. This time, however, I really couldn't take the money. I said, "Instead of donating through me, you can just do it through all the different kinds of platforms we have set up for giving."

Please take a look here:

English: www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htm Chinese: www.onefoundation.cn/html/cn/beneficence_01.htm

over 15 years ago 0 likes  47 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, 100 RMB is a lot for a flight attendant!
over 15 years ago
13244619 10154160689249104 9129655007072933202 n
支持~~ 随善的脚步走~我也得加油了。
over 15 years ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
this is fantastic! ONe Foundation has gone leaps and bounds.. and really these gestures make it all the more worth it!
over 15 years ago


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