Raise your hand if you're jet lagged.
My son has mastered the fake out. I'm so proud. Where do we sign up for basketball camp?
恭喜恭喜恭喜恭喜所有的金鐘獎入圍者!!!尤其是我的師妹 @piopiolee !!! 能夠同時入圍主持人跟演員獎真的太太太強了!
All that hard work, sea sickness, sleepless nights, stress, body aches, sunburn etc has paid off! Haha ??
Congratulations again!! You're a SUPERSTAR!
I think I've been away from work for too long... ?
Somehow, miraculously, we got everybody to look at the camera at the exact same time... Yes, even the bear in the back (sorta) 聽說拍小孩跟動物是最難拍的東西。。。但我們一次就成功了!不知道是應為老公厲害還是我們模特兒們厲害?
Hot mamma: @jessicamichibata Super husband/cameraman: @instageorgey
RT @mynameisjune: @angryasianman I’d also like to nominate @awkwafina who is a hysterical scene stealer in both #CrazyRichAsians and #Ocean…
RT @danieldaekim: “Crazy Rich Asians is flat out doing amazing this weekend with an unprecedented $25M, which is an unbelievable -6% dip fr…
Long distance relationship with Egan... Or wait.. is that my dad? Oh. Nope, that's definitely Egan... I think.
RT @SciGibson: 139 years of summer temperature anomalies in less than 1 minute of your twitter time #heatwave2018 #wxtwitter #climatechange…
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.