Egan and my PT having a very in-depth discussion about the best course of action for my frozen shoulder.
Number one!!!
Coming soon.... #Viva
@jonmchu Dream bigger and bigger and bigger!!!!!
On the plane again.... ✈️✈️✈️
昨天 Ultra Music Festival 有一位很nice的保鏢。開始跟他聊的時候發現他是阿美族的帥(帥帥帥帥)哥!而且他太太剛剛生了一個小孩,才兩個月大。
我覺得工作人員都好辛苦!我們在玩的時候他們都在辛苦的工作賺錢。 謝謝你們照顧大家讓我們可以安全的好好的玩。
快要跟大家見面了! #20之後 Coming soon...
Wow. Can I please shake your finger?
我們平常不太給Egan吸奶嘴。只有晚上要睡覺的時候給他。今天我把奶嘴藏在椅子後面想說要慢慢的讓Egan不要在吸奶嘴了。 過了幾個小時後,我們看到這個畫面! Egan不知道這麼找到奶嘴然後在桌下偷偷的吸。而且是那種 “知道不應該在白天吸所以要趕快曾沒有人發現的時候吸快一點” 的吸法。?
Normally, we don't let Egan have the pacifier unless it's late at night and he's in bed. Today, I tried hiding the pacifier behind the couch trying to slowly wean him off of it. A couple hours later, I hear sucking noises coming from under the table. Somehow, Egan had found the pacifier and was sucking away as quickly as he could, trying to get in as many sucks as possible before being caught. ?
What...Read more
? These three boys ?
Egan: 這個帥哥有一點面熟。。。
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.