Last night got a little crazy....
昨天晚上.... BJ4
@jimmycthatsme . Horror?! In 3D?! We're in! @tweetfromgeorge
Handsome little devil(s) ?
今天 #愛Sharing 好好玩喔!!!! 你們有來聽 @yogalin_official 唱歌嗎? 好好聽! 還是你們在高雄場聽 @lalabarchannel 呢?
So much fun playing in the "…
Thank you @longines for making a sexy, classy, functional and impressive HydroConquest diving watch, fit for any oc…
沒錯!我們家裡的人很愛在浴室裡”玩”(一根⋯你知道我在說你!不要裝了) 所以,感謝凱撒衛浴提供我們品質好,又有設計感更兼具環保的產品。 Yup. As you may know, my family members LOVE to spend time in the bathroom (ahem... You know who you are ). So, thank you Caesar for providing us with the best quality, stylish and environmentally friendly products. 在”凱撒衛浴瓷藝中心”裡,你可以來這邊感受不同的氛圍,自在挑選喜歡的風格,設計出專屬自己的衛浴空間。也可以體驗看看他們最新的馬桶瞬淨技術Aqua Jet 4.0(但千萬不要帶著衛生紙過來喔!要不然”你知道是誰”會來這邊開起小派對!) In their new design center, you can come and get inspiration for your own bathroom space and yes, even flush their new Aqua jet toilets. (Just make sure there isn't any...Read more
This is one way to get someone to stop talking... Effective, but umm...
Presenting to you MECHANICAL SOULS!! 我第一次演這麼刺激的角色(沒錯。我是個機器人)!很期待給你們看這部VR電影,關於人類跟機器人之間的關係。你們自己決定我是個好“人”還是。。。This is one of the coolest (and coldest) roles I've ever played and I can't wait for y'all to experience this VR movie soon! Am I a good robot or bad robot? That's for you to decide!!! ?
?Egan is turning ONE!! 一根 要一歲了!!!! 我的天啊! ?
??我們想跟大家一起來慶祝! 如果你有小寶寶然後有興趣來參加爬行比賽,一起來玩啊! (不好意思喔爸爸們不能參加爬行比賽哈哈哈?) ??We're throwing Egan a baby racing + smash cake birthday party and everybody is invited! If your baby is a crawler, come join us!! (Sorry, dads don't count as babies. Or crawlers. ?)
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.