我以前有憂鬱症 (我知道, 可能很難想像)。 我現在目前沒有什麼問題了,但是偶爾會突然回到2002很低潮的時候。我只是想要把那一刻的感覺分享給你們,並且讓你們知道「你並不孤單」。
I also suffered from depression a few years ago (believe it or not!) and this night (Aug 18, 2016), I suddenly had a relapse of sudden sadness. I just wanted to share that moment with you and let you know that you are not alone.
Warning: This is unedited, I look horrible, and you may learn something about ...Read more
讓越南中部嚴重營養不良的孩子能吃飽長高, 是至善越南幼兒照顧計畫最重要的工作之一!
我們急需350位認養人支持這個計畫, 讓孩子營養不良的比例能逐年下降, 誠摯的邀請您和我一起來成為孩子的貴人!
It takes so little to make a big difference. Please consider helping out some of these kids in central Vietnam, who, with less than 20NT per day or 0.60 cents, can have a healthy life and brighter future!
每天20元, 每月600元, 歡迎線上捐款:www.zh...Read more
Anybody else watching the debate right now?
TONIGHT!! 就是今天晚上8:30! 我們很辛苦的也很開心的拍的戲 High 5 制霸青春 終於要播出了! Finally!!!! My basketball drama is airing tonight! Watch tonight at 8:30pm on 八大電視台!
耶!? 在媽媽身邊總是可以兩人一起玩耍的像孩子一樣,讓我找回充滿童趣又天真的自己,我想我們身邊總會有個最親密的人能夠不時提醒自己最富有青春夢想的那一面, find forever young you.?
Growing old is compulsory but growing up is optional! Only you can decide how young you feel (and act)! ?
你們認識的我是開心,愛挑戰,好奇,瘋狂的我.... 但是我也有我的秘密... I'll share it with you tomorrow night.
謝謝 大腦先生 胡瓜 Chloe王樂妍 海芬的大明星小跟班 陪我勇敢的說出我的秘密!
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.