讓越南中部嚴重營養不良的孩子能吃飽長高, 是至善越南幼兒照顧計畫最重要的工作之一!
我們急需350位認養人支持這個計畫, 讓孩子營養不良的比例能逐年下降, 誠摯的邀請您和我一起來成為孩子的貴人!
It takes so little to make a big difference. Please consider helping out some of these kids in central Vietnam, who, with less than 20NT per day or 0.60 cents, can have a healthy life and brighter future!
每天20元, 每月600元, 歡迎線上捐款:www.zhi-shan.org/online(捐款專案請勾選越南幼兒照顧計畫)! 至善基金會
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.