JPM 回來了!!!! J for Janet/JiaLu, P for 神豬 呂世偉 M for 毛弟 邱翊橙 High 5 制霸青春 I try to dance and look cool, but somehow, just end up looking like a drunk chicken...
野餐日快到了喔!你們最想要看到那個外景主持人?Ian? Jamie? Samantha? 你們會帶什麼食物去呢?跟誰一起?tag你要帶的人. Tag who you will be coming with to the 旅遊生活頻道 - TLC Taiwan picnic day and maybe I will come stop by and visit y'all! :):)
來喔!來喔! 9/24見! Surprise guests, gifts and games on 9/24 旅遊生活頻道 - TLC Taiwan picnic day!! SEE YOU THERE!!!
Good nerdy morning to you all! 早安! 考考你的數學能力, 也是你該動動腦的時間了!How good are your math skills? Fill in the blanks to solve the equations!
1 1 1 =6 2 2 2 =6 3 3 3 =6 4 4 4 =6 5 5 5 =6 6 6 6 =6 7 7 7 =6 8 8 8 =6 9 9 9 =6
請加入運算符號,但不能加任何數字,以使等號成立。 答不上2題請重唸小學,答上7題以上拜您為師!
一起動起來比較好玩....你是影片的哪位?有一位特別的搶戲! 哈哈哈哈!If only all work out sessions finished this quickly. It's always more fun to work out with friends... Even when one of them takes up the majority of the floor space. Haha! 最近接受風傳媒訪談聊到「行動力」,回想起來,真的是行動力帶給我很多收穫讓我遇到很多很棒很好的人事物!文章裡也有一段很貼切的影片,你是不是也常常在說「改天」呢?
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.