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Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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What does it take to be a travel show host? 1. PASSION! You have to love traveling, love meeting people, learning about new things 2. PERSONALITY! Make sure you have your own personality. Don't try and be anybody else but yourself. Find your strengths and use them! 3. TOUGHNESS. It's a tough job (as fun as it looks on TV, but there's a lot of hard work and long hours involved, so don't think it's as glamorous as it appears.) 4. OPPORTUNITY. If you're interested in diving and exploring the underwater world, then the opportunity is here! Email: tim@visioncreator.tv 有其他的問題關於外景節目主持人,隨時都可以在這裡問我喔!


over 8 years ago 4425 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.

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November 25, 2009