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Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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thank god for the internet

i was just thinking today,

where would we BE without the internet these days.

I was chatting with a friend online, asking her some questions about an upcoming trip we're doing in India, when my internet blipped and i went offline. I wasn't sure if i had come back online, so i asked,

" am i online?"

we started to chat, and then we both laughed as we realized, this day in time, asking "am i online" is like asking "do i exist?"

i just wrote down all the sites i'm currently trying to manage and update and it's really getting quite ridiculous:

  1. this yahoo blog

  2. my www.janethsieh.com website (which i haven't touched in months if not YEARS!) - help!

  3. facebook (two accounts and possibly a public account which somebody else set up but i'm thinking about taking over)

  4. twitter (janetfuntaiwan)

  5. IMDB (trying to set that up)

  6. alivenotdead

  7. wikipedia (it's in Chinese, we're trying to set up an English version)

  8. myspace (i've all but given up on this site - no time at all!)

  9. google buzz

  10. flickr

  11. and i'm sure i've forgotten many a things....

isn't that nuts? how does anybody have any time in the day to do all these things? I need to hire somebody to handle all THESE! Although, updating blogs and photos is such a personal thing that you kind of want to do it yourself.

ah.... this is where time management comes in.

and this is where, for me recently, sleep has come in way ahead of updating blogs/websites, on my priority list...

i'll get back to it soon (so i say!)



p.s. Oh oh oh! dare i mention, i'm working on my book #2 right now? I'm aiming for something that's going to be very different from my first book Traveling with 100 Toothbrushes. It's in the works, but you know how these things go, it probably won't be finished and published for another year :(:(

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
alivenotdead.com! ;-)
almost 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
looking forward to hearing more about your next book.
almost 14 years ago


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.

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