Official Artist
Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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真的好久不見了。 對不起! 我快半個月都沒有寫什麼東西。

我最近非常的忙。 然後如果沒有忙的在拍東西, 我腎病:(

我者兩個禮拜有很多天是不太舒服的。。。 但是我去了 ER然後現在在吃antibiotics所以好多了!

so, just a quick little summary of what i've done so far these past two weeks:

  1. Filmed Fun Hong Kong

  2. heart foundation event with 趙 樹海

  3. 拍了一個nescafe的廣告跟平面

  4. interviews with 蘋果日報

  5. filmed Fun Northcoast with Armando from Texas (but weather was bad, so got a little bit of rest and slept the WHOLE day!)

  6. filmed Fun Ilan with Philippe from France (seafood) and got REALLY sick and had to go to the ER :(

  7. more interviews and photo shoot for magazines

  8. Fun Miaoli with George from England

  9. hosted an opening ceremony for Standard Chartered Bank

  10. 可口腳踏車的活動

  11. Nescafe voice over recording

  12. Fun Hong Kong voice over writing and recording until 1am. packing until 3am and then waking up at 5am to fly to Matsu Island where i am filming Abe from California!

whew! what a week!

馬祖非常的有fu (有feeling, 你們不是都會說fiu嗎? 哈哈哈。 不會寫中文)

很棒。 我一定會給你們多疑點照片看。


okay. i hope you didn't miss me too much!

i promise to write more soon :)



over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.

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November 25, 2009