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Hussain Abdullah
Director , Screenwriter , Stuntperson
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Our small film "There Was To Be Peace" (#therewastobepeace) is coming on Friday. ??? Did you know that is was the coldest and rainiest day of filming I ever experienced? ☔❄⛆?? For more #therewastobepeace Photo: @dadappa ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 289 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Unser kleiner Film kommt am Freitag raus. :) Foto: Markus Dapper

over 7 years ago 42 likes  0 comment  4 shares

Wofür wir Tiere (miss)brauchen. Ich weiß, wenn jemand solche Filme und Videos postet, wirkt es oft so, als habe er gerade erst etwas entdeckt, was einem selbst schon lange bewusst war. Aber Filme wie dieser bekräftigen mich noch einmal in meiner Entscheidung, vegan leben zu wollen. Nicht, weil ich gegen den eigentlichen Fleischkonsum bin, sondern weil die riesige Nachfrage nach Fleisch, tierischen Produkten und Entertainment (Jagd, Zoos, Pferderennen, Stierkämpfe, Zirkus, Taubenbowling (!) etc.) so riesig geworden ist, dass jedes Tier sein ganzes Leben lang grausamste...Read more

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over 7 years ago 4 likes  0 comment  1 share

Getting more b-roll footage at this beautiful location. ?? @weloveroaming ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 271 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I'm releasing our small film "There Was To Be Peace" (#therewastobepeace). Some of you know how much I meant to shoot the next installments prior to this release, but other projects keep coming up and my involvement in them are preventing me from doing so. That's why I'm releasing the film now. And you know what? It feels really good and I'm looking forward to presenting it to you on March 10th. ??? Photo: @dadappa ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 244 likes  0 comment  0 shares

There Was To Be Peace - Mini Series (English below) Ich release unseren kleinen Film. Einige wissen, wie sehr es mir am Herzen lag, vor dem Release noch die Fortsetzungen zu drehen, aber auch dieses Jahr kommen mir wieder andere Projekte dazwischen, weshalb ich den Film jetzt einfach raushaue. Und wisst ihr was? Irgendwie freue ich mich total drauf, ihn euch am 10. März präsentieren zu können. :) Peace! PS: Sollte ich vergessen haben irgendwen zu taggen, sorry. Sind so viele. :) Taggt euch gern selbst.

ENGLISH: I'm releasing our small film "There Was ...Read more

over 7 years ago 25 likes  0 comment  3 shares

Filming at a German war cemetary in the Normandy for @weloveroaming . I never thought it would actually feel so sorrowful reading all these names on the 21,000 graves here. Some even just read "Ein deutscher Soldat" which translates to "A German Soldier". Some of them were only 17 years old and died for a war they probably didn't even understand. ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 361 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Nature is his gym... ? For more check out my Ryu photo series here: #ryuaroundtheworld ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 187 likes  0 comment  0 shares

"Ungefähr 21 Stunden". ? Irgendwelche gute neue Playsi oder Xbox-Spiele raus? ?

over 7 years ago 2 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I love this place. Gets me in the right mood. ?? ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

over 7 years ago 202 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Understanding oneself happens through a process of relationships and not through isolation. - Bruce Lee

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