Hussain Abdullah
导演, 编剧, 武术指导
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So we are planning to take another trip soon. I told myself that this time I'm bringing along the URSA Mini 4.6K and some basic camera equipment, but only as much as my backpack will carry. So this leaves me with three prime lenses to take. Since I'm going to be filming handheld I'm ruling out long lenses. I'm rooting for 16mm, 24mm and a 58mm lens I am getting soon (more on that lens in a future post). If you have a standard set of lenses that you take with you on your travels, please comment and let me know. I appreciate your thoughts on this matter....Read more

大约 8 年 前 15 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

So we are planning to take a trip soon. I told myself I'd take the URSA Mini 4.6K + some basic camera equipment with me, but only as much as my backpack will carry. So this leaves me with three prime lenses to take. Since I'm going to be filming handheld I'm ruling out long lenses. I'm rooting for 16mm, 24mm and 50mm. If you have a standard set of lenses that you take with you on your travels, please comment and let me know. I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. ? ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

大约 8 年 前 386 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Inspired by Charlie Chaplin's film "Limelight", and based on the real life of its star, this feature film tells the story of an extra in Japanese period films who specializes in being killed on screen. Very touching.

大约 8 年 前 2 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

The ban is about terrorism. Ok. ? If Osama bin Laden was alive, his Saudi-Arabian passport wouldn't stop US border patrol to let him step onto US soil. ;)

大约 8 年 前 8 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

Went back and regraded this shot. More happy with it now. https://youtu.be/kX5TbjIeakY TOP: Camera Raw (Ursa Mini 4.6K EF) BELOW: My colour grading in DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio

大约 8 年 前 29 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I had the sudden urge to exercise my colour grading skills, because I haven't been too happy with them recently. Instead of shooting new footage for this purpose, I went back and re-graded a shot, I had previously given a quick LUT and an adjustment only, because it was just a test shot for another scene. So I went ahead and gave it a proper grade - one I can live with now.

TOP: Camera Raw (Ursa Mini 4.6K EF) BOTTOM: My color grading in DaVinci Resolve 12.5 Studio ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

大约 8 年 前 218 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Filming a narrative scene for a music video last summer. Shot on Red Dragon. Link temporarily back my bio. Photo: @dadappa ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

大约 8 年 前 295 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Ich habe die Häufigkeit meiner politischen Posts in den letzten Monaten sowas von zurückgeschraubt, weil einige Leute nicht drauf klar kamen, dass ich so oft Politiker und ihre politische Entscheidungen angeprangert habe (als sei es schlimm, sich politisch zu äußern). Dieselben Leute posten jetzt aber so gut wie ununterbrochen über ihre Trump-Empörungen. Wäre toll, wenn das Engagement bleiben würde. Finde es nämlich ein Unding, sich nicht für Politik zu interessieren, tagtägliche Versäumnisse der Politik zu ignorieren, sich dann aber laut zu empören, wenn es dann &quo...Read more

大约 8 年 前 11 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Damn! Es sind neue Fotos vom letzten Musikvideo-Dreh aufgetaucht. Da bekomme ich wieder Lust auf Dreh im Sommer. Wer ist dabei? :D Danke für die Erinnerung und die nette Überraschung, Markus Dapper, der beste Set-Fotograf, den ich persönlich kenne. Musikvideo: https://youtu.be/bwMbBTU-Bj8

大约 8 年 前 13 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Filming a narrstive scene for a music video last summer. Shot on Red Dragon. Link temporarily back my bio. Photo: @dadappa ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️

大约 8 年 前 235 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Understanding oneself happens through a process of relationships and not through isolation. - Bruce Lee


English, German, Arabic
October 27, 2008