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Xiangfei International WingTsun Taichi Kungfu Club 相飞国际咏春太极功夫俱乐部

My friend Jiangxiangfei and I opened "Xiangfei International WingTsun TaiChi KungFu Club" in my hometown of Linyi City in Shandong Province. It is the only place that teaches south- style WingTsun in the city.

前天,我的好兄弟蒋相飞和我在我们的家乡山东临沂市义堂新开了一家功夫俱乐部, 俱乐部的名字叫"相飞国际咏春太极功夫俱乐部",这是在我们城市里唯一的一家以教授南派功夫咏春拳和北派功夫太极拳为主的功夫俱乐部.

The founder Jiangxiangfei and me in the club. 创办人蒋相飞和我在俱乐部

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


There is an old Shaolin edict that reads: Run before you fight Fight before you injure Injure before you maim Maim before you kill

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Guangdong, China
Member Since
November 23, 2007