太极侯 - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
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About 太极侯

There is an old Shaolin edict that reads:

Run before you fight Fight before you injure Injure before you maim Maim before you kill

Ocean Hou is an actor, action choreographer, Shaolin Kung Fu - Tai Chi instructor.

His most recents projects include the filming of RZA', The Man With The Iron Fists 2,
Keanu Reeves', Man of Tai Chi, The Patriot Yue Fei, and Shadow Guard.

Ocean attended Stanley Tong's Action Star Training Course at Shanghai Theatre Academy. He also participated in CCTV's Tai Chi Fight Training, Top 36 Tai Chi Fighter's Training Battalion.

His formal wushu training was completed at Beijing Sports University, Shaolin Temple Kung Fu School, and Luo Zhuang Wushu School, as well as receiving a Body Guard major from Lin Yi Secondary Specialized School.

Ocean has received numerous 1st place awards for his Tai Chi performances at competitions throughout China.

侯友胜是一名影视动作演员, 武术指导, 国际级太极功夫教练。

他英语流利, 多次受邀出国教学, 学员来自世界上三十多个国家.

数次获得全国武术太极拳比赛冠军, 2011年毕业于上海戏剧学院首届动作明星班。

最近他拍摄完成的作品有好莱坞环球影业的动作电影《铁拳汉子2》中饰演 Shou;

好莱坞明星基努.里维斯自导自演的功夫电影《太极侠》中饰演 鬼步拳;

唐季礼监制电视剧《精忠岳飞》饰 独眼龙; 数字电影《水浒人物谱之响尾伏魔棒》饰演反一号 穆飞。

Interesting facts about 太极侯

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Guangdong, China
Gender Male
English Name Ocean Hou
Traditional Chinese Name 侯友胜
Member Since November 23, 2007
Fans 62
Profile Views 131,243


There is an old Shaolin edict that reads: Run before you fight Fight before you injure Injure before you maim Maim before you kill


english, cantonese, mandarin
Guangdong, China
November 23, 2007