點解我戴一對大耳仔? 因為要挑戰一個無聲challenge!想知我拍啲咩 ?就要密切留意啦! Shooting promo video for a charity! ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme… https://t.co/XPmJKTy7zR
Go ahead. Feel the muscle?
?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme… https://t.co/LC96qreXR1
這是教練Lawrence幫我拍的。 他說:有進步 ????????????
・・・ Can u See… https://t.co/W55C9faykc
Thank you @saltyegg for the interview ??? https://t.co/OYsiGCEMKs https://t.co/tgqGxsixeS
Matt 生日快樂?matt_chiu 生日飯約咗喺#ClubEast #孔夫子 食飯。環境靚,食物正。
Matt 生日快樂?@matt_chiu 生日飯約咗喺#ClubEast #孔夫子 食飯。環境靚,食物正。
有中菜有西餐仲有gym @clubeasthk Thank you for arranging @siusiusiuming ?#followme #齊齊follow陳奐仁
有中菜有西餐仲有gym clubeasthk Thank you for arranging siusiusiuming ?#followme #齊齊follow陳奐仁… https://t.co/IbziGb4gmq
我們的訪問好好玩 @tinyeewong #波盛 Thank you very much @rthk_2 ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/P9oszrN0LO https://t.co/gMpG1wEpeB
我們的訪問好好玩 tinyeewong #波盛 Thank you very much rthk_2 ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/nBKP1GLA3U
awarding winning actor and musician