這個封面照超靚?因為是Raymond拍的?@KamRaymond Wow the magazine is out! ?Thank you Raymond… https://t.co/yCv41ZX9Kf
佢好認真幫佢剪頭髮?♂️ Going to the gallery #italianart #artappreciation… https://t.co/2gOG8SsD6i
看畫展? Going to the gallery #artappreciation ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme https://t.co/HnAf7miriY
You r my hero! 標準身材!so lean #cut #shredded @leeyatding 恭喜你!My champion ? ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme @globalclassic… https://t.co/HdM4XDeJ25
後生仔傾吓計?❤️?? 四個男仔一齊好似好型咁? Review #imacpro with #apple team ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁 #followme @water00001 @eatpraywoof… https://t.co/ERncFWHwW5
D auntie 好鍾意我㗎。以前搣面珠,宜家摸肌肉?? #我係師奶殺手 Always great to see auntie Nancy! Her laugh is contagious! ?#齊齊follow陳奐仁… https://t.co/TBKxzETIC0
Who is this????? https://t.co/gmez62l2IQ https://t.co/CB7SE70xxp
awarding winning actor and musician