Like anything, there have nothing but massive errors. Someone (from media) starting
saying the words 'swine flu' and soon everyone caught on. Well, it really isn't swine and it is really 3 variations. Too late, China, Russia and numero...Read more
Like anything, there have nothing but massive errors. Someone (from media) starting
saying the words 'swine flu' and soon everyone caught on. Well, it really isn't swine and it is really 3 variations. Too late, China, Russia and numero...Read more
Swine flu should really be named Mexican flu or North American flu or H1N1 virus since it a combination of 3 genetics (chicken, pig and human). If we were treating mosquitoes that carried Dengue fever or malaria, you would want to resort to the following:
Contain the mosquitoes
Use all measures to prevent the mosquitoes from getting on your body (protective clothing, repellents etc)
Your last option after being bitten would be to take medication ...Read more
Swine flu should really be named Mexican flu or North American flu or H1N1 virus since it a combination of 3 genetics (chicken, pig and human). If we were treating mosquitoes that carried Dengue fever or malaria, you would want to resort to the following:
Contain the mosquitoes
Use all measures to prevent the mosquitoes from getting on your body (protective clothing, repellents etc)
Your last option after being bitten would be to take medication ...Read more
We should stop at nothing to get this information out to as many homeowners worldwide (please help spread the word)!!
The 2 news articles is after months of hardwork at reaching the proper Asian press channels (it is an economy of words describing the online webstory on toxigenic mold infestation). The ingredient that knocked out all those germs (stachybotrys, staph aureus, enterobacter, corynebacterium etc) is called 'Ygiene' from the BioNeutral Group.
It is my hope that ...Read more
The following information has been published in the hope of helping more homeowners, family and individuals worldwide. Additional versions and details on the case will be released in additional languages ( original story -these were the original workers and remediation team -noticed they were not wearing any masks or protective gear).
When I am on a team that e...Read more
The following information has been published in the hope of helping more homeowners, family and individuals worldwide. Additional versions and details on the case will be released in additional languages ( original story -these were the original workers and remediation team -noticed they were not wearing any masks or protective gear).
Must wear/purchase as a safety precaution N95 Mask (every household should have a 4 week supply of N95 masks)
You cannot get sick from eating pork or pork products. However, the mutation into a human-...Read more
Throughout the United States, foreclosure sign after foreclosure sign has led to a new term: Ghost Town, USA and since they can't fix the job market, the decision of choosing to destroy/shrink the community has become the only available option. While this means lots of historical homes and properties will disappear, consolidation seems to be the best approach for the near future.
要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together GY BLOG via AnD/google is the