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Youth Baseball Elbow

Just wondering if anyone knows of any therapist that can help with "Youth Baseball Elbow"?I have this painful devil back after 18 years. I guess I had it effecting for the first time when I was in the Little League being a pitcher. I know the cure is an entire rest, but i really don't wanna give up on baseball once again. So if anyone knows of any therapist please kindly let i know.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
You should talk to Sean Tierney, he has it, too and he lives in HK. He can point you to a doctor or physical therapist. (He blogged about his "tennis elbow" (same thing, I would imagine as you are talking about) in recent months, and it was fierce and oh so funny.)
about 16 years ago


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