Goatee Toni
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The boar bit a man's balls

When wild animals come across people in the field, most will flee away, some will stay still for a distance until it gets too close, but this boar chose to be a brave warrior - rush forward and give a nasty bite accurately at the weakest spot of the enemy.

People are always moving into animals land then say animals are a threat to them.

Now people are saying they should kill more boars to control the overpopulation. Nowadays people are more educated to appreciate rarer animals and to protect them. You suddenly luv whales and pandas. You also think so highly of cats and dogs and take them seriously as your own kid. These are good animals.

So we are cool to let others kill the bad animals?

The bad animals are trying to kill us so we kill them first to protect ourselves. That makes sense, if you admit you are an animal, an enemy of a boar.

Many animals are not like cats & dogs nor endangered species, they don't need our protection. They are tough survivors. But at least we shouldn't kill them.

If you didn't even know this incident, here's the original news: Wild boar attacks pensioner in Tai Po

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Photo 96013
in my country,almost everyyear we hear that boar attacked human(mostly old people near mountain).its sad...boar don't have enough foods so that they have to come down.
接近 16 年 ago


Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer True natural living things are true art pieces - they look li


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 12, 2008