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Goatee Toni
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Snakes Hunting

Snake hunting is an exciting activity. but in prevention of overexpectation and disappointment, i always tell my crew that even the world's most experienced snake hunters don't get snake every time they hunt. Averagely 1 snake per day is a pretty high standard.

First, let i try some water. I wanted to go deeper but the mic set couldn't get wet as we didn't have spares.

Got the first one as an appetizer - Water Snake


Water snake bites can't kill but you don't want a bite - they have a lot of long, backward teeth

They are a little venomous actually

Green snake isn't always a dangerous one

When the moon's over the head, it's our time... 

Main course - Cobra!!

It ain't too easy to hold the head as it kept rolling itself.. keep rolling rolling rolling.. and i don't wanna squeeze too hard to hurt it. The skill is to hold very very tight, but be very very gentle meanwhile.

Never given up on trying to bite... i luv this cobra

very close. But even if it spits venom, i guess my cheaters will save my lil chinky eyes

Please note: Snake Hunting is not for everyone. Don't try this at home.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Where did you go snake hunting? Better you grabbing a cobra than me! :-) I guess I wouldn''t be so friendly with the water snake, either. In North Carolina there are water moccasins in the streams and they are venomous. Maybe they won't kill you, but boy will they make you feel sick! But that green snake is very beautiful. What is its main food? Is it terrestrial or arboreal? People around here think I'm crazy to find snakes so beautiful. Sadly, the accepted wisdom in the American South, especially by country folk, is that snakes are evil, tools of the devil, and every snake they see must be killed. I have heard of people driving down country roads and, when they see a snake sunning itself on the road in the early morning, when it is still pretty torpid, turning their car around to go back and kill the snake. If they only knew how much good those snakes do their crops by keeping pests under control, maybe they wouldn't be always trying to kill snakes.
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
wow! thats amazing!
over 16 years ago
Photo 73941
Marie, the water snakes i caught were venomous too! they won't kill i, but they make i swollen and the long teeth can make great pain. :( the green snake's main diet is.... earthworm! thats same same all over the world.. Snake is something people either love em, or hate em. Not many people are neutral towards em. Becoz snake is a real special critter on earth. btw i do know a lot of snake lover fellows all over the states. you ain't the only one. :)
over 16 years ago
Photo 73941
Flagday, you encountered a big gravid mama... :) you will probably encounter newborns later
over 16 years ago


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