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Goatee Toni
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Safari party tomorrow night

first time to be featured at the AnD party. I'm happy to bring a couple of my cold-blooded friends to the Wild Safari party tomorrow night @m1nt.  I'll choose the deaf ones and will do in a non-smokey area so my friends will feel comfortable.


If you are joining and would like to touch/handle my friends, please be sure you don't carry any smell of meat on your hands - they are meat-lovers!! :)


about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 73941
many people were scared of snakes before they met mine. many now have overcome it. some even love snakes so f much..
almost 16 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
I just had hamburgers, lucky. hahaha. It was nice meeting you man. Lookin' forward to seeing more of your reptiles. Did they do okay after the club? They must've freaked out seeing us. hahaha.
almost 16 years ago


Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer True natural living things are true art pieces - they look li

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