For now i'm saying i ain't only got creepy crawlers all the time. Occasionally i do some cute, and appreciated by the majority of people - The African hedgehogs
Hedgehogs are among the most ancient, primitive ones of mammals, but for sure, not to compared with reptiles
Did that one female have 7 young? Or do you have two litters in the box? Why are some of the babies still light and the others are dark? I don't think I've ever seen light colored hedgehogs before.
those 7 hoglets are of one same litter from one big mama. General litter size is about 3 or 4. Normals are black, albinos are white, and there's a grey one we call that color phase cinnamon.
albinos are rarely seen in the wild.. yes they don't make good camouflage.
albinos have poor eyesight, but for hedgehogs it doesn't matter becoz they don't much need to see :)
Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer
True natural living things are true art pieces
- they look li
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