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Goatee Toni
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HR 669 is a devil

It seems like all developed countries are trying to reduce pets. Everything they did says that they want to reduce and finally eliminate pets or companion animals from their place. Dogs and cats is the strong majority so they firstly do it on the rest - the "exotic pets", reptiles, small mammals, birds, and now even fish.

I myself am a wild animal person, conservationist, but I do also agree and support people properly keeping captive-bred reptiles and others as exotic pets, as long as they do it the right way, and they choose the right animals to keep.

Regulations (HK and US) are already very tough for exotic pet owners there are already a lot of unnecessary limitations for them. Now things seem to be getting worse. Pet owners in this circle is a true minority and always keep themselves silent. What they do is just to enjoy a hobby silently and peacefully with their companion animals.

Now the US government is trying to go through a bill to ban ALL exotic pets very strictly. If it gets passed, now it is the US, then Canada, and eventually it will affect all over the world. Here is a video says it all. Do something to support American animal lovers!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer True natural living things are true art pieces - they look li

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