Goatee Toni
演员, 主持人, 摄影师
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2009 ain't that bad

is it a plane? no. is it a superman? no. it's a BIRD!!! the parrot is back finally!! he didn't flew back, but walked back.. after alot of effort and different tricks.. lastly, i climbed OUT of the roof and used a long long stick and got him stand on the stick. and got him back. he then walked on my shoulder and then back to his cage. now he's eating and basking in the sun.. big relief. thanks everyone who concerned about this. Well now i say 2009 ain't that bad.

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 73941
many think that animals live happily in the wild but not in cage. As a wildlife researcher, I won't say they are happy or not but yes many animals would prefer living in the wild. But this experience tells me there are exceptions.
大约 16 年 ago


Hong Kong based Herpetologist, Professional Animal Show Presenter & Wildlife Photographer True natural living things are true art pieces - they look li


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
April 12, 2008