When Al Gore shows us a documentary of 'Global Warming' we take it in and accept it as truth. At least I did. The media will say the manic weather happens because of Global Warming. But, there is an opposition that says 'Global Warming is not true'. I say this 1 hour video today and I'll summarize what it's about below. Check it: http://www.augustreview.com/wrapper/Global Warming says the 'climate is changing.' Well, guess what, the climate has and is always changing. Earth has been through some Hot times and Cold spells. People survive, animals survive. Global Warming suggests that Co2 is a pollutant, which lots of it is man-made and causes temperature rise. First, Co2 is in all living things and everything from volcano's (which produce lots of Co2--more or equal to industrial), dead leaves, animal waste and Oceans are said to produce by far the most. Secondly, the opposition scientist say that it's temperature rise then, followed by a rise in Co2 and not the other way around.What's with the rise in temperature? It's a big circle in the sky called The Sun. Climate temperature is controlled by how many clouds in the sky. The how many clouds are determined by how many cosmic rays come into our atomosphere. How many cosmic rays enter depends on how many are not deflected by the Sun's rays. So, if the Sun is blaring, it cancels out the cosmic rays, which lead to fewer clouds which leads to a rise in temperature. In layman's terms. So temperature is not man-made, but a natural cycle as it's always been.Now, why create this story? This environmentalist group, have become an issue for politics. Money follows politics. So, now there's vested interest. Scientific evidence is skewed. Billions of dollars are now given to climate research. But, the most nightmarish thing is that 'Global Warming' has become an excuse for not letting developing countries and Third World Nations...develop.African countries have to battle through bureaucracy in order to get 'electricity.' Evironmentalist are saying developing countries should only use 'wind' and 'solar' energy for the environment. African nations have oil and coal, but not allowed to us it. But, what that means is that developed nations and not permitting them electricity. Which means they are letting them live at a survival-level only. Without electricity, they have no lights, no modern appliances, no industry the things that let us enjoy life and we take for granted. It deprives people of their freedom to live and the pursuit of happyness. That's the scariest thing of 'Global Warming'.Check this out 1 hour long video on "Global Warming Swindle" http://www.augustreview.com/wrapper/
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http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=64734This is just on a tangent of what info I'm researching now, will drop it on y'all soon. Knowledge is power. Keep well.GS @ NERDINALIBRARY