Official Artist
Roger Fan
Actor , Producer
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crap acting...

There comes a time (perhaps many) when people cite an actor's performance as shit.  I, for one, have participated in many a movie and/or TV show that has been pure crap.  It happens...  But this is perhaps the first time in my life where I was actually required to perform the act of crapping for cinematic purposes. When I am lucky enough to choose a role, the barometer I use to determine if I wish to do it or not are simple...1) does it make my stomach flutter in excitementor2) does the thought of doing the role scare meThis particular project scared me very much.  I remember my first kissing scene, my first sex scene, my first killing scene, etc.  All scary to do.  But nothing quite prepared me for this one.  I never thought that spending a day naked on a toilet dropping a deuce would be such a petrifying experience.  Perhaps if I were not naked on the can would the process have been more tolerable.  Probably the only saving grace for me is that one of my best friends wrote and directed this film.  So I'll have to thank Gene Rhee in advance for ruining any possibility of my ever having a political career.  Oh well...This is a short crap clip from my film THE TROUBLE WITH ROMANCE that WARNER BROS. is releasing nationally on Pay-per-View and OnDemand on Feb 1st.  It's a fun date movie that you can just order on your TV without ever leaving your couch or plush pad.Perhaps this one time I can feel good about doing some shit acting.I will now go into hiding... Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-pxrDDD3TU

about 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Haha, that was crap... literally
about 16 years ago
Photo 23697
lol, I love it, Roger!
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
it takes skill to act that out...
about 16 years ago
Photo 34319
i am in hiding now. i am in a cave in afghanistan. it's...so...dark...
about 16 years ago
Photo 77598
hahahahah. the sound effects are fab! ... and of course, the acting is great too. hahahhahaha. romance is full of shit! i agree with you there!
about 16 years ago
Photo 34319
i am still in hiding. osama and i are playing rock, scissor, paper for limited toilet paper and canned tuna. we have but one blanket to share...
about 16 years ago


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