Official Artist
Erin Li
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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I had so much fun screening my work for the Asian Pacific American senior filmmaking students in Visual Communications' Digital Histories class! The students, many of whom have never made a film, learn how to prep, shoot, and edit a short film. Then, they screen their films at the annual LA Asian Pacific Film Festival!

We had a lively Q&A discussion that spanned a range of topics: directing actors, cameras, lighting, and even the male gaze. It is so important for under- and mis-represented communities to get behind the camera and share their perspectives. Props to VC for bringing these important stories to light.

about 7 years ago 82 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Award-winning Writer/Director: FOX Feature Film Directing Lab, Mary Shelley Prize, praised by Upworthy, Gizmodo, Vimeo (Staff Pick), SciFi Now, Mitu, Huffington Post, etc.

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Los Angeles, United States
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Member Since
August 22, 2008