Official Artist
Erin Li
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Repost @vconline

・・・ "VC has been backing and fighting tirelessly for films about, by, and starring AAPIs since 1970. They were the first organization to support and champion me as a filmmaker. VC Supporter Elizabeth Sung starred in my AWC film and became one of my biggest mentors in the industry. VC and Elizabeth believed in me and my work, and that’s truly empowering, especially when you’re starting out." - Erin Li, 2011 AWC Fellow/Filmmaker

Take a moment to celebrate our #HumansofVC, then consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation of...Read more

about 6 years ago 100 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Traversed scorching hot plains, treacherous cliffs, and freezing waters with some amazing souls to capture some magic for a special film project. Grateful to the generous cast and mighty crew who got us to the finish line. Special thanks to Boaz, @zozayafilm for the opportunity. Thanks for recommending me, @alma.harel ? #secretproject #directing #asamcreatorrollcall

over 6 years ago 97 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I had a ton of fun discussing filmmaking and life as an artist with high school seniors at Brooklyn Collaborative. They discovered my work on Vimeo and invited me to their class a few months ago. Many are first or second-gen Americans, and all are about to embark on a new journey as college students. Congrats grads! #latergram @brooklyncollaborativeschool

over 6 years ago 97 likes  0 comment  0 shares

My paternal grandmother passed away earlier this year. I got to see her one last time, but wish I had spent more time with her. We had a lot in common - she loved traveling and going on adventures as much as me. She was also an artist, but didn't have the privilege of pursuing this full time. She was pregnant with my dad when she and my grandfather fled communist China after the civil war. She gave birth to my father on the run, on an island south of China. Kind strangers helped and gave them food to eat before they embarked on the rest of their journey. My grand...Read more

over 6 years ago 94 likes  0 comment  0 shares

A moment of reflection during set-up. Recently reunited with the multi-talented @the.folake for a film shoot. #recordingstudio #directing #femalefilmmakereveryday

over 6 years ago 79 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Flashback: On set directing the brilliant, soulful @belladayne in Kepler X-47, a sci-fi short film about a woman forced to adjust to a new life in a human zoo exhibit on an alien planet. We shot this in 4 days, in a basement underneath a laundromat (every time someone flushed the toilet, we'd hear water trickling through the pipes), under the 6th street bridge in downtown LA, and on a green screen stage. Because we had such limited time, and Bella was so prepared and immersed in her character, I often moved on after one or two takes. She nailed the performances so...Read more

almost 7 years ago 175 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Ready for 2018 like…

Signed with Paradigm and Rain Management last year and excited for the journey ahead. Thank you to my women warrior reps, Corrine and Whine! Grateful to everyone who has believed in me, worked with me, hired me, and backed my films. This is just the beginning! #TBT #highschool #NJ #homeofthewarriors #varsity #fieldhockey #forward #directing #womandirector #aapi #writerdirector

about 7 years ago 129 likes  0 comment  0 shares

I had so much fun screening my work for the Asian Pacific American senior filmmaking students in Visual Communications' Digital Histories class! The students, many of whom have never made a film, learn how to prep, shoot, and edit a short film. Then, they screen their films at the annual LA Asian Pacific Film Festival!

We had a lively Q&A discussion that spanned a range of topics: directing actors, cameras, lighting, and even the male gaze. It is so important for under- and mis-represented communities to get behind the camera and share their perspectiv...Read more

about 7 years ago 82 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Magic hour at a magical place #nofilter

about 7 years ago 53 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Caen Hill Locks in Devizes, Wiltshire, England

about 7 years ago 87 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Award-winning Writer/Director: FOX Feature Film Directing Lab, Mary Shelley Prize, praised by Upworthy, Gizmodo, Vimeo (Staff Pick), SciFi Now, Mitu, Huffington Post, etc.

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Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Not Specified - Other
Member Since
August 22, 2008