Official Artist
Elson Soh
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Final words of 2013

Some time back, I was invited to attend the Grand Opening of Popeyes outlet in Bugis. When I heard of the invitation, I accepted immediately. I have always been an ardent fan of the fast food chain. The party started with a flash mob, which I participated and had fun. Then it was interview with The Muttons (also my favourite english DJs) before photo taking and getting to know more people. Once again a BIG THANK YOU to Chief Operating Officer Dickson, Marine from Absolute PR and the team at Popeyes for having me! Check out the photos and video below![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/971848_563551310386807_597848182_n.jpg)Then it was my Hong Kong and Taiwan trip, which I visited a few medias and fans before flying back to Singapore. When I touch down, I had an interview with Yahoo! , which was a great experience. Check out the interview HERE. Thank you Yahoo! once again. Right now I'm nearing the end of my promo tour in Indonesia. Brought along a few of my Australian Natural Volcanic Spring Water as I have the habit of drinking this before going on stage. If you guys havent heard of this water, check out the video below!

On the last day of 2013, I wanna say a word of thanks to the people in my company for helping me. My boss, as well as the team behind (Stephen, Michelle, Eddy, Shimin, Irene) supporting me. Thank you all for your hard work! Also not forgetting my fans from Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. 


Thank you to all my sponsors and friends for helping me through 2013. Love you all. Before I end my post, here's sharing my new song once again. Thank you all for your support! Till then. 33>


about 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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