Elson Soh
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Singapore Kindness Movement - Kindness Day SG 2014

Got the honour to perform at Singapore Kindness Day - Kindness Day SG 2014! It is my second time participating in this event and I hope in future to come, I can always be part of this event. Thank you Dr William Wan and SKM for extending this invitation to me. I met many ...Read more

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Singapore Kindness Movement - Kindness Day SG 2014

Got the honour to perform at Singapore Kindness Day - Kindness Day SG 2014! It is my second time participating in this event and I hope in future to come, I can always be part of this event. Thank you Dr William Wan and SKM for extending this invitation to me. I met many ...Read more

10 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


哈囉!大家想我嗎?這一個月來都非常忙碌。生活點滴就晚一點再和大家分享。認識我的朋友大概都知道我在去年成立了我個人的一個小小自願福利組織,叫《A-計劃》,目的就是幫助需要幫助的人。一個星期前做了家紡。到今天還是胸口悶悶的。其實我人在國外,最放心不下的就是這位老婆婆。 這位婆婆大概80幾歲了。她每天就這樣過活 -坐在這擺攤買二手貨,一天賺不到 5塊錢。但她從不會輕易接受別人的施捨。她是個有骨氣的婆婆。我擔心她,是因為她就算需要幫忙,也不會開口告訴別人。我擔心她,是因為就算她開口了,會有幾個人真正幫助她呢?我擔心她,因為她寧可挨餓,也不向人討口飯吃。每次見到她,我都好心酸。真希望我能為她多做點什麼。她常常對我說:你叫人來買我的東西,我已經很感激你了!...Read more

接近 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


哈囉!大家想我嗎?這一個月來都非常忙碌。生活點滴就晚一點再和大家分享。認識我的朋友大概都知道我在去年成立了我個人的一個小小自願福利組織,叫《A-計劃》,目的就是幫助需要幫助的人。一個星期前做了家紡。到今天還是胸口悶悶的。其實我人在國外,最放心不下的就是這位老婆婆。 這位婆婆大概80幾歲了。她每天就這樣過活 -坐在這擺攤買二手貨,一天賺不到 5塊錢。但她從不會輕易接受別人的施捨。她是個有骨氣的婆婆。我擔心她,是因為她就算需要幫忙,也不會開口告訴別人。我擔心她,是因為就算她開口了,會有幾個人真正幫助她呢?我擔心她,因為她寧可挨餓,也不向人討口飯吃。每次見到她,我都好心酸。真希望我能為她多做點什麼。她常常對我說:你叫人來買我的東西,我已經很感激你了!...Read more

接近 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


馬年大家過得如何?大年初一,我就變成 書呆子!哈哈。。大年初一,我和家人去拜拜,觀音廟好多人,但我們還是很順利地為各自祈福,我也為A-計劃的弱勢家庭祈福,也為我的歌迷粉絲祈福,希望大家在馬年平平安安,順順利利!

<...Read more

接近 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


馬年大家過得如何?大年初一,我就變成 書呆子!哈哈。。大年初一,我和家人去拜拜,觀音廟好多人,但我們還是很順利地為各自祈福,我也為A-計劃的弱勢家庭祈福,也為我的歌迷粉絲祈福,希望大家在馬年平平安安,順順利利!

<...Read more

接近 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Family Day!

It is good to spend more time with family during weekend! Here are some of the photo to share with all my friends and supporters! Yesterday I had a hand at frying omelette for my family. I think it turns out pretty well? Haha. Who want to eat?

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大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Family Day!

It is good to spend more time with family during weekend! Here are some of the photo to share with all my friends and supporters! Yesterday I had a hand at frying omelette for my family. I think it turns out pretty well? Haha. Who want to eat?

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大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

My YouTube videos

Chinese New Year is coming! Anybody plan what to do during this Chinese New Year period? Nothing much to write about recently, except for some media interview and video recording for YouTube channel.

Did you guys check out my new variety program  《銓少當家 之 逛逛牛車水》 at my YouTube channel? Do you like it? My second episode is coming soon! Maybe next Monday? Remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for latest video update!

Lastly, share with you my unplugged...Read more

大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

My YouTube videos

Chinese New Year is coming! Anybody plan what to do during this Chinese New Year period? Nothing much to write about recently, except for some media interview and video recording for YouTube channel.

Did you guys check out my new variety program  《銓少當家 之 逛逛牛車水》 at my YouTube channel? Do you like it? My second episode is coming soon! Maybe next Monday? Remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for latest video update!

Lastly, share with you my unplugged...Read more

大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Visit my blog at www.elsonsoh.blogspot.com whenever you are free! (&quot;,)


August 4, 2008