“Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid.”
MapCrunch: teleport to a random place in the world.: moth:
A very cool hack of Google Maps street view.
via Huffingtonpost.com
It’s ridonkulous if you come to think of it that in modern times like these, we still have countries like Uganda issuing an ‘anti-homosexuality bill’, Iran having the death penalty for homosexuals - fine. The argument stands that these are developing countries so in time infrastructure will become more advanced, transparency will become more, well, transparent, and society more liberal. But what about the country who boasts to have all these sectors covered? The U.S...Read more
LOL! And all this time, people thought it was rocket science to figure out who took the polls - Team Edward won alonnnnng time ago! LMAO XD
Now, if only all presidential elections worked that easy.
and so does this movie!
I (fortunately) had the sense not to watch it in its entirety. Yes, the whole vampire hype has been strung out just like the K-pop wave (perhaps the similarities are ghastly pale good-looking people dressed up in dominatrix outfits) but this was a mere exploitation of that rather than a mockery. The lines got old and the jokes were repetit...Read more
“A prayer for the wild heart, kept in cages.”
The word ‘Style’ defined.
We all got dreams and we all star reaching.
I bet the neighbors know your name. ;)
So seductive
I bet the neighbors know your name. ;)
How Women Select Their Men.: An article I found on Wikipedia while looking up the definition of a ‘Reptilian Brain’. LOL It’s amazing what you find on this site.
A Good Start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZB-n8GIfQ http://youtu.be/kRkgDwHPJg8