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Elizabeth Ho
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Vampires Suck.

and so does this movie!

I (fortunately) had the sense not to watch it in its entirety. Yes, the whole vampire hype has been strung out just like the K-pop wave (perhaps the similarities are ghastly pale good-looking people dressed up in dominatrix outfits) but this was a mere exploitation of that rather than a mockery. The lines got old and the jokes were repetitive, but what spoof hasn’t been ridiculously boring (in all sense of the word)?

I usually stay away from these movies cause I come out a dumber and much numb-er person (thankfully, the rarity of viewing these spoofs, has saved me from becoming a total degenerate). Sure it’s good to see the occasional brain tease (or lack of) but I’d prefer watching one of Russel Crowe’s boring ass movies to these spoofs. 

The only one that had me going for a couple of more minutes than expected was Meet The Spartans.

On a side note, ‘Jacob’ in this spoof is wayyyy hotter than Taylor Lautner. Lautner was an eye sore to look at on screen. I don’t know why the fudge girls would flock to Team Jacob. If anything, they would go to Team Edward because they don’t have a friggin’ choice! Team Edward wins by default!! 

haha- Well said.

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


A Good Start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXZB-n8GIfQ http://youtu.be/kRkgDwHPJg8

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