A lot of times we do things with the best intentions, but we’re just a bit off. I was talking to a friend about it last night, how “Christians” in history have done things in the name of God that are completely horrendous. Looking back at my own life, if I were to remember all the times I did something offensive in God’s name…. Oh man…
And that’s what brings me to God’s grace, and how God knows the difference between us being immature vs. disobedient. The bible says that God sees the heart where as man sees what’s on the outside.
I have a friend who loves God very very much and his zeal for the Lord inspires me, but whenever he hears someone talk trash about Jesus or God, he gets sooooo angry and just wants to beat them up (think he might’ve, but that’s besides the point. (o__X)
As were were talking, I saw the Father’s heart for this young man. I saw how proud the Father was at his son, and I could imagine God smiling and putting his hand on his forehead saying, “ai yai yai.” God knows his intentions were out of love and honor for Him, but the demonstration and execution was just a little bit off. This just reminds me to always have grace on others when they do something that i may deem as offensive. Can I still see things from God’s point of view? That’s why it’s so important that our minds are constantly being renewed by God’s word, and we’re constantly led by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ.
Love = No Fear