D Miles
演员, 导演
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Long time no hear… I apologize to my TWO loyal readers for not blogging lately but I’ve been playing the role of the MAD HATTER in a bad episode of BATMAN . I’ve been busy as a Beaver trying to get my project off the ground and it’s been CRAZY ! I’ve jumped through so many hoops and over hurdles that I feel like a contestant for the AMERICAN GLADIATORS . My current collection of hats includes, Producer, Writer, Director, Location Scout, Casting Director, and Studio (small) Exec. I rarely have time to myself these days because I’m on a mission! I am glad to have my partner in crime DY back so that’s a big relief and we’ve finally entered the final stage of the race. Things are about to get real interesting now as we gear up for the project. To those of you who have read the ROAD TO ROOKS blogs, I promise to put up the last chapter once things calm down. K, now I’ve got to go and crack the whip on some people! Hee hee!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 37580
Better be cracking the whip on DY, make him do some work for a change haha jk. Glad its coming through, sorry you've gotta do all that stuff alone though.
16 年多 ago
Photo 31454
all we need is this one to get it going
16 年多 ago


Changing the world... one frame at a time!


Shanghai, China
February 17, 2008