just finished up another term here and that means two final projects in the can. the past few weeks have been incredibly busy for me. i think in one week i was in the computer lab 60-80 hours. partially due to time mismanagement on my part. partially due to some challenges in the project developing in way that i hadn't quite planned for.
i should take this moment to thank my buddy Drake for unknowingly providing much of the inspiration for one of my projects. i was really inspired by Drake's blog entry on his Art Lozzi study process and thought it'd be interesting to try and use a similar look and bring it to life digitally.
so i started with acrylic paint and sponges, which were then scanned and brought into After Effects. i'm not the fine artist that Drake is, so my painting was fairly mediocre but i'm pretty happy with how the texture of the painting lends itself to the animation.
the project was to create the opening and closing title sequences for a student film called Brain Freeze 1: The Epic Sequel. it's a comedy about a college student who drifts between his daydreams/fantasies and real life through out the day and can't differentiate between what's real and what's all in his head.
Movie Titles - Brain Freeze 1: The Epic Sequel from Brandon Sugiyama on Vimeo.
i tried to express the movie's theme and events in a symbolic manner in the titles. the hook represents his conscious/subconcious leading him through his daydreams, the bird represents him waking up, the rope snapping and falling represents his loss of sanity, etc. i suppose i'm explaining too much, but without seeing the film the titles may be a bit confusing?
This is Brandon / Bam, a motion graphic designer / DJ now based in Brooklyn via San Francisco. Check out my portfolio at: www.invibe.com